Week 6 Prompt- Integrated Advisory

Integrated advisory, "...is a whole new way of looking at and thinking about library materials that incorporates the techniques of readers' advisory and the multiple media that make up modern library collections." Romance readers are experts in their genre, and they are also aware of niche markets within the genre, or subgenres, which can include historical romance, or paranormal romance. As a reader, I enjoy time travel romance. Time travel romance combines multiple appeal factors, time travel, historical fiction, fish out of water narratives, resilient female characters, adventure, and culture clashes that lead to tension. By creating a display that features books that fit or cross over into this subgenre, it might be possible to draw in readers who might not otherwise seek out romance as a genre at all. To qualify the book must involve time travel and romance, that is all. Reincarnation, past lives and cyborgs who travel forward in time and are immortal cou...