Week 15 Prompt - Marketing Fiction in Libraries

Week 15 Prompt What do you think are the best ways to market your library's fiction collection? Name and describe three ways you do or would like to market your library or your future library's fiction. These can be tools, programs, services, displays - anything that you see as getting the word out. Three ways to market library fiction: 1. Good Old Fashioned Displays The most basic, old school low tech way to market a fiction collection is a display that invites the eye and prompts browsing. This can be a timely holiday display, a themed display centered around a topic, or a display organized like a bookstore, with outward facing books and signage. One of the pleasures of visiting a library is the serendipity factor of discovery. Displays facilitate serendipity. One note on this, display cases that require a library staff member to unlock the case to get a book out for a patron are not browsing friendly! (I create...