Week 11 Prompt 

"Ebooks and audiobooks are a part of our landscape. What does the change in medium mean for appeal factors? If you can't hold a book and feel the physical weight of it in your hands, how does that affect your knowledge of the genre? How about readers being able to change the font, line spacing, and color of text - how does that affect pacing and tone? How about audiobooks? Track length, narrator choice, is there music?  For this week, I want you to think about how ebooks and audiobooks affect appeal factors - also think about appeals that are unique to both mediums. Please feel free to use your own experience and that of your (anonymous of course) patrons. I look forward to reading these!"

I was always against ebooks, until I actually read one. I needed a book for an annotation assignment and it wasn't available in hardback, so I found it on Overdrive and presto! As a lover of instant gratification and wish fulfillment with poor impulse control, it was a rush! A plus- being able to read in the dark and not disturb my sleeping husband. I am personally just as against audio books, but,  exceptions might be for a very good book with a narrator that I enjoy. Despite the advantages an ebook can offer, nothing will ever compare to a real book for me.

Regarding the reader's ability to change font, line spacing and color of text, I can't speak to how it affects pacing and tone. Having said that, it can only be good thing to increase and widen accessibility for readers. Large print books will never be as easily accessible without using consortium holds or interlibrary loans, as there are always fewer large print books than standard ones in any collection. This technology changes all that and makes every book potentially a large print book! Audiobooks too can expand access to those who have sight issues that ebooks can't mitigate. 


  1. Great thoughts, you will receive partial credit due to lateness.

  2. Sorry about that. I wrote it on time but forgot to post it!


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